Tech Journal

Running multiple containers within virtual hosts in Mininet

Mininet is a popular network emulator that allows us to create virtual networks using virtual hosts, switches, and controllers. Recently,…

1 year ago

ChatGPT vs. Bard vs. Bing: Who aces the React test?

We make ChatGPT, Bard and Bing write a simple yet tricky React app and see who wins this battle of…

2 years ago

Adding authentication to an ASP.NET Core app using Asgardeo

ASP.NET Core is a cross-platform, open-source web framework that allows you to develop MVC applications and Web APIs with ease.…

2 years ago

Integrating Asgardeo with a .NET UWP application

Universal Windows Platform (UWP) allows you to write Windows applications that run across different platforms such as Windows 10, Windows…

2 years ago

Magic link authentication using Asgardeo

Passwords are becoming obsolete, and the tech world is exploring various different technologies to allow users to log in without…

3 years ago

Call a child component’s method from its parent in React

Invoking a parent component’s method from a child component is pretty straightforward in React. We can do it by passing…

3 years ago

Passwordless login using Asgardeo Passwords are fast becoming a thing of the past and for the right reasons. For better user experience and…

3 years ago

How I created a bot that tweets the correct Wordle word daily

Wordle is intriguing, I know. But what was more intriguing to me was how this web app worked. So, I…

3 years ago

Protecting Azure API Management APIs using Asgardeo

Very often, we need to protect APIs and a very good way of doing it is to use Open ID…

3 years ago

Add login to an Angular app using Asgardeo

Do you want to add authentication to your Angular app? Gone are the days when you had to implement the…

3 years ago