Leveraging web workers to safely store access tokens

4 years ago

We use web workers to offload resource-intensive tasks to a background thread in a web app. But did you know…

Securely receiving authorization code in SPAs using form_post

4 years ago

If you have used the OIDC protocol to implement single sign-on, you would be used to receiving the authorization code…

Configuring Azure Active Directory as a federated IdP in WSO2 Identity Server using SAML

4 years ago

WSO2 Identity Server allows you to integrate Azure Active Directory as a federated identity provider out of the box using…

How we built a frontend app for WSO2 Identity Server with React

4 years ago

WSO2 Identity Server has always been known for its technical brilliance and feature richness. But that wasn’t enough to satiate…

Asgardio OIDC JS SDK: Bootstrap in three easy steps

4 years ago

Asgardio OIDC JavaScript SDK allows developers to implement OIDC authentication in their Single Page Applications in a fast and secure manner,…

Concurrent programming using Python’s Async IO

5 years ago

Python's Async IO has made writing concurrent applications a breeze. This article explores how Async IO can be used to…

CIAM and common misconceptions

5 years ago

The C in CIAM stands for the customer; this means that a business that wants to attract and retain customers…

CICD for frontend with Firebase and GitHub Actions

5 years ago

GitHub Actions has made CICD easy. Couple it with the free hosting service offered by Firebase, you have a fully…

Prevent useEffect’s callback firing during initial render

5 years ago

React’s useEffect hook has indeed made life a lot easier. But there are times when you would most certainly miss the fine-grained…

How does TOTP authentication work?

5 years ago

Unless you have been living under a rock, you would be very used to authenticating yourself using an authenticator app…