How I created a bot that tweets the correct Wordle word daily

3 years ago

Wordle is intriguing, I know. But what was more intriguing to me was how this web app worked. So, I…

Protecting Azure API Management APIs using Asgardeo

3 years ago

Very often, we need to protect APIs and a very good way of doing it is to use Open ID…

Reauthenticating a user without redirection in OIDC

3 years ago

Browser redirection is an integral part of the Open ID Connect (OIDC) authentication flow. At the same time, it is…

Add login to an Angular app using Asgardeo

3 years ago

Do you want to add authentication to your Angular app? Gone are the days when you had to implement the…

How to secure SPAs with Asgardeo

3 years ago

More often than not, securing access to your Single-Page Application (SPA) inevitably becomes an integral part of development. Asgardeo simplifies…

Best practices for OIDC authentication in SPAs

3 years ago

Single-Page Applications (SPAs) are fast becoming ubiquitous as they provide a far better user experience over the traditional multi-page applications.…

What I learned building a cloud-native frontend app for Asgardeo

3 years ago

Times change fast. Even more so if you are in the tech business. Fifteen years ago, JavaScript was only a…

Implementing a timer using React

3 years ago

Implementing a timer using React might seem straightforward until you actually try to implement one. This seemingly run-of-the-mill task can…

Fix invalid id token issue in WSO2 Identity Server 5.11.0

3 years ago

You might come across id token validation issues in the Wso2 Identity Server 5.11.0. This article discusses possible fixes. …Read…

Build a multi-class classification neural network in R in fifty lines of code

4 years ago

The R language allows for rapid prototyping of machine learning and neural network models. Having learned to create neural networks…